Frequently Asked Questions

I can't log in! What is my password?

Resetting your password is simple! Enter your email in the reset password form and you'll receive an email with instructions on how to set a new password. If you have already tried that and are still unable to log in, feel free to call 1.888.401.0465 for assistance.

When can I expect my test results?

For paper tests you can usually expect to get your test results within 3-5 business days of taking your test. For electronic tests you can usually expect to get your test results the following business day. You'll be notified via email (and text message if enabled) as soon as your results are available. Note that in some cases this may take longer due to software downtime, scoring revisions, or data transmission delays.

Can I Disable Text Message Notifications?

You sure can! Simply log in to your account, click on Profile, uncheck the box titled Receive Text Notifications, then click Update to save your changes.

Can I Change my Username or Email?

You bet! After logging in you may manage your account (including username and email) at any time on your account page. If you see something you cannot edit, please call 1.888.401.0465 for assistance.

My employers are not listed in the drop down menu, how do I renew?

What you are renewing on our website is your federal eligibility to work in a licensed skilled facility, home health or hospice and in order to maintain that you must be providing work in that type of setting. Only these types of facilities were loaded into the system for renewal purposes.

What happens when my federal certification lapses?

You will remain state certified. Your state certification never lapses, so you do not have to renew it. With your state certification, you remain eligible to work in hospitals, including critical access hospitals, and facilities that are not certified as Medicaid providers.